ASYO Philharmonic
A late intermediate string orchestra
Tuition: $150/Semester • $300/Season
Dr. Guglielmo Manfredi, Director
The Philharmonic ensemble is a late intermediate string orchestra. Designed for string players who are learning to master bow control, vibrato, and shifting into higher positions, this ensemble prepares students for the top Youth Symphony orchestra. Students in this ensemble tackle more complex notes, rhythms, and techniques. Admission for all students is by audition only.
Rehearsals are held weekly on Sunday afternoons (through the academic year) at the Amarillo College Music Building, Washington campus, with a culminating semester concert at the Globe-News Center for the Performing Arts. For specifics, please view the 2024-2025 Philharmonic Rehearsal Schedule. (En Español)
Member musicians are expected to be active in the school music program that complements the student’s instrumental focus in ASYO. We aim to enhance, not replace, school programs. Please view the Required Signatures form. (En Español)
Helpful Links:
Philharmonic Student/Parent Contract (En Español)
2024-2025 Philharmonic Rehearsal Schedule (En Español)
Required Signatures Form (En Español)
Admission to this ensemble is by audition only.
Member musicians are expected to be active in the school instrumental music program that coincides with their focus in ASYO. We aim to enhance, not replace, school programs. Please view the Required Signatures form. (En Español)
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