Scholarships | The Amarillo Symphony DD_EduEngagement


We are proud to offer several scholarships to assist students in the Panhandle to continue their music education!

The Amarillo Symphony has stewarded a number of scholarships over the last 15+ years, inspired by the generosity of the Amarillo and Panhandle community. The longevity of these scholarships—and the addition of several more over the last 3 years—is an awe-inspiring testament to the power music can have on a single student.

Claire Stovall Scholarship


The Claire Stovall Scholarship, created with love by Jeff & Amy Stovall, carries on the spirit of their daughter, a gifted Amarillo Symphony Youth Orchestra violinist. This scholarship warmly welcomes ASYO members to apply, offering financial assistance for program tuition and support for their musical aspirations beyond high school.

Thank you to the supporters of this scholarship!

Devon Energy Corporation
Rosann Alexander
Dr. Lova Arenivas and Mr. Jose Arenivas
Brent Ashby
Cindy Barnes
D’Ann and Kenneth Berry
Drs. Stuart and Joy Berry
Kellye Buchanan
Nancy Carroll
Scott Casey
Carolyn Cavaness
Erika Cooper
Thomas Crowley
Ms. Beverly de la Bretonne
Cindi Featherston
Autumn Flowers
Miles Forrester
Tad Fox
Judy Fugate
Amy Gwyn
Kay Hagar
Anne C Harlan
Vincent Hart
Lesia Hathaway
Karen Herpich
Annalee Hickey
David Hindmon
Scott Hoff
AnnaLisa Homan
Gregory Hooten
Tonys Jarrett
Lara Jester
Linda Jester
Loynda Jones
Lynda Gayle Jones
Ashley Kiper
Ashley Knight
Natalia Korenchuk and Evgeny Zvonnikov
Courtney Lane
Lorena Marquez
Kelly Maxwell
Lindsey P McDivitt
Mrs. Kathy Metheny
Robbie and Bruce Moseley
Gary and Eileene Moss
John Moss
David Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pritchett
Katy Reid
Steve and Susan Reynolds
TJ Rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Rusk
Andrea Schmidt
Toshio Shimada
Judy Smith
Leigh A Snyder
Dave Sobeck
Cheryl Spears
Eva Steinle-Darling
Cristina Stokes
Fay Stovall
Jessica Stovall
Jim L. Swindle
Tatiana Tafoya
Janet and Lynn Tarr
Sin To
Sanaan Villalobos
Karen Voepel
Rev. Ross Waggoner
Gregg and Jennifer White
Amanda Workman-Vickers
EOD2CRNA Nursing Services
Legacy 7

For more information please contact the Amarillo Symphony education staff at (806) 376-8782.

Suzanne Grooms Scholarship


To be awarded to one graduating senior entering a college, university, or music conservatory with the understanding the recipient will enroll in the university/college music program as a major (music education, music performance, music business, etc.). Financial need is a consideration, along with leadership, musical ability, service, and participation in ASYO.


Helen Gerald Scholarship


To be awarded to one graduating senior entering a college, university, or music conservatory with the understanding the recipient will enroll in the university/college music program as a major (music education, music performance, music business, etc.).  Financial need is a consideration, along with leadership, musical ability, service, and participation in ASYO.


Clyde Roller Summer Music Camp Scholarship


To be awarded to two students to assist with the cost of attending a summer music camp or educational program the length of at least one week (5-days). This award is open to all members of the ASYO eligible to participate in a summer music camp. Dependability, self-motivation, and a dedication to music are some of the factors that will be taken into consideration.


ASYO Tuition Scholarship


To be awarded to two students to assist with the cost of participating in the Amarillo Symphony Youth Orchestra’s 2022-2023 season.  All current ASYO members who intend on participating in the 2022-2023 season are eligible to apply. Dependability, self-motivation, and a dedication to music demonstrated this past season are some of the factors that will be taken into consideration.


Orin Foard Double Bass Memorial Scholarship


Established by Marilyn Foard in memory of her son and late Amarillo Symphony double bassist, Orin Foard, the Orin Foard Double Bass Memorial Scholarship is to assist two (2) double bass players with the cost of participating with the Amarillo Symphony Youth Orchestra for a full year.

Thank you to the supporters of this scholarship!

Danica Ahedo
Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Askew
Ruth Ellen Bartels
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Beebe
Mark and Karen Boothe
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Borup
Mike and Vicky Boxwell
Chapter CM PEO
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Cowart
Ms. Beverly de la Bretonne
Amy Dillavou
Aloha Gitchell in memory of David Foard
Richard and Nancy Gore Betsy Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. James Harbin
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Hay
JoAnne Herrington
Journey Canyon Coffee
Robert Krause
Kruno Kupresanin
Tara Lowery-Hart
Randy Merriman
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morris
David Murray
Jacob Oranday
Sandra Patterson
Debra and David Rasband
Fabian Saldaña
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Scales
Katherine Schultz
Lindsey Stepien
Donavan Stokes
Erin Weber

Beverly de la Bretonne


To be awarded to one graduating senior entering a college, university, or music conservatory with the understanding the recipient will enroll in the university/college music program as a major (music education, music performance, music business, etc.).  Financial need is a consideration, along with leadership, musical ability, service, and participation in ASYO.


Adeline Roberta Terrell Scholarship


To be awarded to one minority student (Black/African American or Hispanic/Latino) from Randall or Potter County pursuing an immersive music camp in Summer 2023. Financial need is a consideration, along with musical ability and ensemble director recommendation.

Thank you to the supporters of this scholarship!

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Attebury
Kathy Adams
Liz Bentley
Drs. Peter and Gayle Bickers
Lewis and Jennie Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bruckner
Adair and Dale Buckner
Melodee Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Countiss
Kimberly Dryden and Don Nixon
Ms. Mary Emeny
Nancy and J. Pat Hickman
Dr. and Mrs. Douglass Hyde
David and Ellen Jones
Ken and Bonnie McMillan
Ken and Dana Neeley
Hillary and Kenneth Netardus
David Palmer and Michelle Sibley
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Street
Claudia and Harold Stuart
Drs. Bill and Janet Townsend
William and Shaylee Ware
David and Suzanne Wheeler
Mark and Terry White

For more information on applications, please contact the Amarillo Symphony Education staff at (806) 376-8782.

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